
The ability to find the truth and get to the crux of an issue is a vital skill for any coach. Used correctly, a well worded and well-timed question can break down barriers and generate an open and honest discussion. Adversely, poorly worded and ill-thought-out questions can close a conversation down very quickly.

Technique Overview

Questioning Definition

Questioning allows a coach to support a coachee in their journey to acquire a deeper level of self-awareness and understanding and can often then encourage the coachee to develop critical thinking skills that they can apply autonomously. Within business, effective questioning can help you hire the right candidate or evaluate how well someone has understood something. It plays a major role is establishing workforce wellbeing, satisfaction, and development. Questioning can be a powerful way for coaches and leaders to create opportunities for self-awareness and learning for the coachee.

Questioning Description *

* The full technique overview will be available soon. Contact us to register your interest in our business management platform, and learn all about Questioning.

Business Evidence

Strengths, weaknesses and examples of Questioning *

* The business evidence section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business Evidence.

Business Application

Implementation, success factors and measures of Questioning *

* The business application section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business application.

Professional Tools

Questioning videos and downloads *

* The professional tools section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the professional tools.

Further Reading

Questioning web and print resources *

Questioning references (4 of up to 20) *

  • Carnegie, D. (2009). How to win friends and influence people. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Coffey, R.J., Jones, L., Kowalkowski, A. and Browne, J. (1993). Asking Effective Questions: An Important Leadership Role to Support Quality Improvement. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement, 19(10), pp.454–464. doi:10.1016/s1070-3241(16)30026-8.
  • Costa, A. and Kallick, B., 2015. Five strategies for questioning with intention. Educational Leadership, 73(1), pp.66-69.
  • Ericsson, K. A., Prietula, M. J., & Cokely, E. T. (2007) The making of an expert. Harvard Business Review, 85(7/8), 115–121.

* The further reading section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the further reading.

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